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Pierpaolo Battigalli


Degree in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University. Master in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, London School of Economics. PhD in Economics, Bocconi University.

Full Professor of Microeconomics and Game Theory. Head of the Department of Decison Sciences. Dean of the PhD School 2014-19. Director of the PhD in Economics 2005-2010. He has taught at the Politecnico di Milano, Princeton University, and the European University Institute. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, Fellow and a founding member of the Game Theory Society, and Economic Theory Fellow. He is or was Associate Editor of Econometrica, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory, Theoretical Economics, and Texts in Logic and Games.



Philip Dawid


Philip Dawid is Emeritus Professor of Statistics of the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge. He is a leading proponent of Bayesian statistics. Dawid has made fundamental contributions to both the philosophical underpinnings and the practical applications of Statistics.

His theory of conditional independence is a keystone of modern statistical theory and methods, and he has demonstrated its usefulness in a host of applications, including computation in probabilistic expert systems, causal inference, and forensic identification.


His book Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems written jointly with Robert G. Cowell, Steffen Lauritzen, and David J. Spiegelhalter, received the 2001 DeGroot Prize from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.


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Alfredo Di Tillio


Degree in Economics from the Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" of Pescara. Received his Master of Science with Distinction in Economics from University College London and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Research Fellow at IGIER (since 2014). Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and Research Affiliate at IGIER (2005-2014). Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Texas at Austin (2004-2005).


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Branden Fitelson


Before teaching at Northeastern, Branden Fitelson held teaching positions at Rutgers, UC-Berkeley, San José State, and Stanford and visiting positions at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at LMU-Munich (MCMP @ LMU) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam (ILLC @ UvA). Branden got his MA and PhD in philosophy from UW-Madison. Before entering philosophy, Branden studied math and physics at Wisconsin, and he worked as a research scientist at Argonne National Laboratory and a NASA contractor.


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Christian Martin Hennig


Christian Martin Henning is at the University of Bologna since November 2018. His research interests are cluster analysis, multivariate data analysis incl. classification and data visualisation, robust statistics, foundations and philosophy of statistics, statistical modelling and applications.

He was Senior Lecturer in Statistics at UCL, London, 2005-2018; he studied Mathematics in Hamburg and Statistics in Dortmund; promoted at the University of Hamburg in 1997 and habilitated in 2005. In 2017 Christian Martin got his Italian habilitation. After having obtained the PhD, he worked as research assistant and lecturer at the University of Hamburg and ETH Zuerich.


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Sherrilyn Roush


Sherrilyn Roush is an American philosopher and Professor of Philosophy in UCLA Department of Philosophy specializing in the philosophy of science and epistemology.

She joined King's College London in 2014 after accepting the inaugural Peter Sowerby Chair in Philosophy and Medicine. Previously, Roush was an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at Rice University (1999–2006). She was then an associate professor and then a full professor of philosophy at U. C. Berkeley. Starting winter quarter 2018, she is professor of philosophy at UCLA.


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Eric-Jan Wagenmakers


Eric-Jan Wagenmakers is a mathematical psychologist. He is a professor at the Methodology Unit in the Department of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Since 2012, he has also been Professor of Neurocognitive Modeling: Interdisciplinary Integration at UvA's Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. A noted expert on research methods in psychology, he has been highly critical of some dubious practices by his fellow psychologists, including Daryl Bem's research purporting to find support for the parapsychological concept of psi, and the tendency for psychologists in general to favor the publication of studies with surprising, eye-catching results. He has also been active addressing the replication crisis in psychology, including by helping to conduct a series of studies aimed at reproducing a 1988 study on the supposed effects of smiling on the perceived funniness of cartoons.


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Andrea Bucci: Introduction to R for Bayesian Statistics


Andrea Bucci received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Marche Polytechnic University in 2017. He is actually a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Center of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medical Information Technology at Marche Polytechnic University since 2018. Bucci’s research interests include chronological age estimation through Bayesian methods; variable selection via Bayesian Model Averaging; health economics and theoretical aspects of medical statistics. He is also the main author of two R packages stored in Github.



Francesco Paolo Busardò: Forensic Sciences


Francesco Paolo Busardò obtained in 2009 his Degree with honor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Palermo in Italy, winning the Prize for the Best Thesis. In 2014 he received a Diploma in Forensic and Medical Sciences from The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London. In 2015 he specialized in Forensic Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2015 he obtained a MSc in Forensic Toxicology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. In 2017 he obtained a PhD in Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome.

From March 2018 he is Adjunct Professor of Forensic Science and Toxicology and lead forensic toxicologist at Sapienza University of Rome.

From July 2018 he is Associate Professor of Forensic Science and Toxicology at Marche Polytechnic University.



Francesco De Pretis: Introduction to Bayesian Nets


Francesco De Pretis is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, Marche Polytechnic University - a position funded by the European Research Council (ERC) within the international project "Philpharm".

Between the academic years 2013-2014 and 2016-2017, Dr. De Pretis worked as adjunct professor of Mathematics for Economics at the Link Campus University in Rome. In 2014, he was awarded the Ph.D. title in Mathematical Physics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, after having obtained in the same university a Degree and a Master Degree in Economics and Complex Systems. His research is focused on developing mathematical models and methods for economic and medical sciences, with a particular interest towards risk assessment in pharmaco-economics and pharmacovigilance.


Serena Doria: Introduction to Imprecise Probability


Researcher in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University G.d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara Italy.


Research Interests: Coherent conditional previsions and their extensions, Hausdorff measures, Choquet integral representation, Bayesian inference. 


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Andrea Faragalli: Introduction to R for Bayesian Statistics


Andrea Faragalli is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Medical Statistics in the Center of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medical Information Technology at Marche Polytechnic University. He got a Ph.D. in Economics at the same University in 2018. His main research fields are based on Copula theory applied on medical applications, Bayesian methods and big data analysis. Most of his work involves the use of R.


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Luigi Ferrante: Forensic Sciences


Luigi Ferrante is a full professor in medical statistics at Marche Polytechnic University, EBI Centre Italy. He has over 30 years of professional experience in epidemiology and biostatistics. Specific expertise in longitudinal studies, data analysis and Bayesian methods. His main research fields are based on the building and validation of biometric models for the age estimation in human population using anthropometric measures.





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William Peden: Introduction to Bayesian Epistemology


Postdoctoral research at the Polytechnic University of the Marche and research associate at the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society, University of Durham.


Research interests: epistemic game theory (interactive epistemology), behavioural game theory, evolutionary game theory, philosophy of economics and mechanism design theory.



Mantas Radzvilas: Introduction to Game Theory


Postdoctoral researcher at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU.

Research interests: epistemic game theory (interactive epistemology), behavioural game theory, evolutionary game theory, philosophy of economics and mechanism design theory.




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